Sunday, August 10, 2014

The hunt for a social G-spot

Vartanama, Aug '14
By Pawan Dhall

For some people – biologists, medical experts, social scientists and more ordinary folks – the jury may still be out on the existence of the female or even the male G-spot. For those who never heard of such a thing, perhaps this article will set them off on a Google hunt or more sensual offline discoveries. And blessed are those who know exactly where their sweet spot is! But I suppose half the fun is not in the existence of such a point of pleasure, but in the process of exploration and trying to find it. Moreover, who’s to say that there is only one G-spot?

Equally vexed and excitable seems to be the question of a social G-spot – particularly so for Indian society at this point of time. One is not necessarily talking about Kamasutra, Khajuraho or Konark – though those too could be considered strong symbols of sexual self-awareness at a social level. What are more pertinent today are the artistic, literary and other social struggles for gender equity; legal and media battles to protect women of all hues from sexual violence; court judgments that recognize the rights of trans women and trans men to a gender identity of their choosing; campaigns to decriminalize all consensual sexual acts between adults, or destigmatize whole communities of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people; efforts to make society confront child sexual abuse . . .

Photo credits: Pawan Dhall, Rupsha Chakraborty

Never mind the reactionary forces that seek to quell these upsurges of social desire to breathe easy, celebrate sexuality, and restore dignity and trust to intimacy. They are part of a living entity made up of diverse people that is part eager, part hesitant to explore the unknown. What would it be like to have a society where not just the children, women or Hijras are liberated from patriarchal oppression, but also the men who are liberated from the burden of manhood that is redeemed only through boorishness, queer phobia, misogyny, sex without intimacy or consent, and violent behaviour?

We don’t know when, where or how these explorations will lead to a climax of liberation from fear, hurt and injustice. But in the mean time every ethical poke, legal bite or judicial jab at the status quo is a good way to find the social G-spot. As is with women playing football or putting on boxing gloves, and men turning up to watch and cheer them on without leering at them. Varta, through its first birthday issue, welcomes and supports all such explorations. Here’s to many, many quivers of social delight and realization of intimate dreams!

Pawan Dhall aspires to be a rainbow journalist and believes in taking a stand, even if it’s on the fence – the view is better from there!

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