Advice - Mind, Body and Family, Dec '13
By Dr. Tirthankar Guha Thakurta
What is the largest sexual organ in the human body? Do not
be surprised if I quip," It's our brain."
Reference: The Biggest Sex Organ? Your Brain, Ian Kerner, PhD,
Artwork source: Copyright: artqu.

From attraction to erection and desire to orgasm, it is the brain
that controls our mind and body. In fact, an interplay of chemicals decides when
and how we will be struck by Cupid.
Let me share an interesting experiment conducted in 1974.
Over the Capilano River in North Vancouver, Canada there are two bridges. The
first is a five feet wide and 450 feet long suspension bridge constructed
solely of a wooden plank and cable. It swings happily in the wind some 250 feet
above the turbulent rocky tides. The other option is a solidly built anchored
bridge that sits a mere 10 feet above sea level.
The experiment went something like this. On day one,
whenever an unaccompanied man walked across the shaky bridge, he would find
himself stopped midway by an attractive young woman. She would introduce
herself as a psychology student and asked if he would mind participating in a
brief survey. On day two, the identical routine would be conducted by the same
woman on the sturdy bridge.
Sounds pretty simple, right? But there was a little twist.
When each of the men completed the survey, the young woman would hand him her
phone number and tell him that he was free to call her later that evening for
the results. The real study, however, was not the answers the men gave on the
survey, but what happened afterwards. The researchers set out to examine which
of the men gave the attractive psychologist a call and, more importantly, why.
In other words, they were interested in studying not just
what happened on the bridge, but how that affected what happened later. Would
the thrill of being on the shaky bridge versus the bland experience of being on
the sturdy bridge promote romantic feeling? Or, put simply: Did adrenaline make the heart grow fonder?
The answer? Indeed, it does. Not only did the researchers
find that the men on the shaky bridge were more likely to call the psychologist
later, but they were also far more likely to ask her for a date!
When it comes to desire and attraction, a little
unpredictability goes a long way. It spikes the brain’s natural amphetamines,
dopamine and norepinephrine, which play a big role in sexual arousal.
So if you feel you have been avoiding the shaky bridge for a
long time, it is time to try it out. If you are already in a relationship, do
something new to thrill your partner – change the role play, wear a new
perfume, plan a surprise dinner or just take a surprise leave off work. It will
surely add a spark to the mundane routine!
Reader queries
I am a 37 year old man married for the last 11 years. Recently
I have been having difficulty in getting an erection in bed. My relationship
with my wife is otherwise normal and we care a lot for each other. How do I get
over this problem?
Anonymous, Siliguri
Dear Anonymous
Most cases of erectile dysfunction are because of mental
stress or getting accustomed to a routine of sexual rituals. A little change in
the routine can go a long way to improve sexual performance. But it is also
noteworthy that some cases of erectile dysfunction may be because of medical
conditions like diabetes or the effect of some drugs. I would suggest you see a
psychiatrist for a detailed evaluation and tips on improving your performance
in bed.
Confused? Disturbed? Just inquisitive? Write in any query on
the mind, body and family to,
and Dr. Tirthankar Guha Thakurta, teaching faculty at a Kolkata-based medical
college, will be happy to answer them – with due respect to confidentiality.
Reference: The Biggest Sex Organ? Your Brain, Ian Kerner, PhD,
Artwork source: Copyright: artqu.
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