Advice - Mind, Body and Family, Jan '14
By Dr. Tirthankar Guha Thakurta
"I hate the word homophobia. It is not a phobia. You are not scared. You are an asshole" – an unconfirmed Twitter quote of 2012 attributed to Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman
Phobia refers to an irrational fear of an object or
situation. There are many phobias we commonly hear of, like arachnophobia or
fear of spiders, claustrophobia or fear of closed spaces. Homophobia is a new
addition to this long list.
Confused? Disturbed? Just
inquisitive? Write in any query on the mind, body and family to, and Dr. Tirthankar
Guha Thakurta, teaching faculty at a Kolkata-based medical college, will be
happy to answer them – with due respect to confidentiality.
Artwork source: Dee Downing via Wikimedia Commons
"I hate the word homophobia. It is not a phobia. You are not scared. You are an asshole" – an unconfirmed Twitter quote of 2012 attributed to Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman

Homophobia refers to an irrational fear and hatred towards
gay and lesbian people. In a broader sense it includes or relates to similar
negative attitudes towards bisexual and transgender persons as well (biphobia
and transphobia). The popular use of the term is new and with time it is being
recognized as a specific psychological disorder.
Phobias in general result from ignorance and wrong beliefs. The
same applies to homophobia. Most homophobic persons don’t have a friend who is
gay or lesbian. Their knowledge of homosexuality is limited to popular
pornographic and erotic material and peer group information. A popular school
of psychologists claim that some homophobic individuals are closeted homosexual
persons with self-disapproval.
Most phobias are treatable. We usually educate the person
about the object of fear and remove the wrong notions. The next step is
exposing the person to the object of fear and preventing a phobic response by
rational interpretation. Some scientists believe that homophobia may be treated
in a similar way.
But the question that is crucial is whether homophobia is
really a fear. Or is it more ‘hatred’ than ‘fear’? How does one treat hatred?
How does one treat hatred that is directed towards love? Well, Morgan Freeman,
or whoever it is that made the quote cited here, seems to know the best!
Reader queries
I am a 21-year-old boy. I am gay and came out to my family
recently. My father has strong opinions against homosexuality. He wants to get
me treated. Please advise.
Dear Anonymous
The most rational way to deal with your father is to educate
him. You may take the help of any family member who is supportive or of a
support group for gay people. Perhaps the support group may help you meet other
parents who have accepted their children as gay, and they could talk to your
father. If all this fails, try to make him visit a psychiatrist to cure him of
his phobia. If even that does not help, as an adult, plan on becoming
financially independent at the earliest and being on your own. Best wishes.
Artwork source: Dee Downing via Wikimedia Commons
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